Month: December 2009

  • Christmas!

    Had a great Christmas.  Emma was really taken by everything.  She got the motherload from Santa.  Woo!

    We ate a lot of crap.  We were lazy.  I played some WoW, watched some television.  Ahhh!

    The only news I have is that we have bluejays in our backyard and they’re big, fat bluejays. They’re pretty as heck, but I’ve seen them bully the other birds.  We also had a crow this morning cawing.  Weird, eh?

    Bluejays are sent by the devil (according to Wiki) and the Crow is the symbol for death?  Eeeek!

    I wonder what squirrels signify? We have an assload of thema s well.

  • I’m DONE!

    Well, with the semester anyway.  AHHHH!!!!!  I get to horse around for a MONTH.  Yessssss.

  • The End is Near!

    I have one more week of classes and then a project to complete by December 15th.  I can breathe again.  This semester has been such hell.  I’m not sure next semester will be any better, but I think it will be less stress in a way.  I have four classes next semester: two undergrad and two graduate level classes.  We have to take one class outside of English (level 300 or greater) for the master’s degree.  So, I’m taking a theater class / playwriting.  It should be hella fun. 

    I’m also taking an intro to poetry class that is a prerequisite for the teaching licensure.  I’m actually looking forward to that class quite a bit.  I think it will help ground me in poetic forms, which I desperately need before I start my own class next year. 

    I’ll also have the internship (same as this semester) and I’m applying for a research position that is 10 hours a week (at $14 an hour)!  It would be amazing if I got that kind of position.  It would cover all our bills per month.  Yay for that!

    I can’t wait for the break.  I’m going to read some serious trash: we’re talking VC Andrews, Jackie Collins trash.  Oh yeah.  Mmmmmmm.