Month: January 2010

  • Light at the end of the tunnel

    Last day of antibiotics.  Yay for that!  I get massive headaches when I take them.  I'm feeling better.  I'm starting to regain my sense of taste.  I'm in a better all-around mood. 

    School is kind of just there right now.  I think it's a combination of burnout and exhaustion from being sick.  I need to step it up and get busy. 

    I disinfected the house: doorknobs, light switches, keys, cell phone, remote controls, sink, drawer handles, fridge handle, microwave, toothbrushes, etc.  I swear to God I will not get sick again for a long time.  I'm so over this stuff right now.  Kill the GERMS.  KILL THEM DEAD.

    I know a few germs are good, but I will not endure another bout of whatever this crap was that I got.  I'm about to get into Emma's toys now as well to clean them.  Add in some holy water and we're good to go.

    Speaking of holy water . . . I'm so into that Paranormal Activity show (and Psychic Kids). 

    Heroes is sucking more and more.  Please get the heck out of the stupid circus thing, and the deaf lady with the power to see sound needs to just go away.

    Claire and her dad need to stop having the "I love you, no, wait, I HATE YOU" relationship.

    The new blonde chick for Claire's father is annoying.

    Sylar is really the only thing interesting me (and Matt/Peter to some extent).

    House is great.

    Catching up on Deadwood (on season 3 now).

    Supernatural should start up again soon (last season--sniff)

    Lost is due to return in Feburary (yay!)

    That's it for now, kiddos.

  • Genealogy

    Ok, so I've been really delving into my genealogy lately, and I know historical record keeping is not 100%.

    However . . .

    I found a line on my (maternal) grandmother's side that goes back to 1500.  Not only that, but I found this dude:

    Thomas Tronsgård
    Birth 1500
    Biyang, Yixian, Anhui, China
    Death in Biyang, Yixian, Anhui, China

    Guri Thomasdatter Tronsgård
    Birth 1520
    Biyang, Yixian, Anhui, China
    Death 1585
    Nes, Ameland, Friesland, Netherlands

    I've been trying to get into Chinese history to see what this is.  The guy was born in China and died in China. H e had a daughter that he named Guri who was also born in China then died in the Netherlands (and so continues the line down).

    So, I'm really curious about this.  Most of my family (on both sides) are really heavy culturally.  On my mom's side, I found (maybe) 8 ancestors out of 100's that were NOT from Norway.  Most were nearby (i.e. Netherlands, etc).

    On my father's side, my great grandfather was born in Russia and I cannot find any ancestors (going back to the 1600's) there were NOT Russian.  So, not a lot of traveling I think.  Except for this Thomas dude. 

    Just some interesting weirdness.  Maybe I have a smidge of Chinese in me, eh?  Would be kind of interesting!

    Edit: Found German on my father's side and learned that apparently during Catherine the Great's rule, they had some Russians go to Germany and some Germans go to Russia to mix things up.

    Also, my husband's tree is SO different than mine.  His can be traced back to a lot of Americans who were here in the 1600's, etc.  Lots of English/Irish, names like Prettyman, Wolfe and Trainer/Traynor.  He has a few barons and some family crests too.  Hehehehe.

  • Enough!

    Going on two weeks now and I've had this stupid chest cold.  So so SO TIRED OF IT.

    I'm on "the other side" of it, but I feel like I'm still trying to recover and I can't return to my normal life.  I also can't be as active as I want.  Bleh, I say!

    Ahh well. 

    Other than that, school is going ok.  I'm trying to get out of my Intro to Poetry class because the teacher is a fuggin' moron and a half.  Ugh.  Ugh.  Ugh.  And, I've also learned this material in my "how to teach creative writing" class.  Chances are, I still have to take it.  It's God awful.  She spent 15 minutes on the first day using a football analogy and how she never watches football because she doesn't understand the game rules, but we're all supposed to learn the "rules of poetry" and then read poems.


  • Testing 1...2...3....

    Well my blood tests came back from the infectious disease specialist.

    Everything looked good except for my antibodies (which were high).  Not sure what that means.  Google isn't much help. 

    I also may have a bad tooth!  They think that could be the issue.  So, I'm hoping the antibodies are just high because I've been sick lately and that once I get this tooth mofo fixed, I'll be right as rain.  :)

  • Back to School.....

    2 more days off, then I'm back in school.  It will be my last semester of attending classes, unless I decide to take a creative non-fiction workshop somewhere in there (which I might). 

    Classes this semester are:

    • Playwriting
    • Graduate Fiction Workshop (phase 4)
    • Fiction Form and Technique (Voice)
    • Intro to Poetry (this is for my teaching license certificate but will also help when I teach intro to creative writing in spring of 2011). 

    I'm actually looking forward to all of my classes this semester. 

    In terms of writing, I've sent out one short story for paid publication to 8 literary magazines.  One might take it.  I feel good about it overall, but that doesn't mean anything to the editors of lit magazines.  It's in 2nd person which can turn people off, but a lot of lit mags dig the "voice potential" that it creates. 

    It's called "Full Moon Mo'Nique" and it's about 2 Amish girls on Rumspringa. 

    I also had a flash fiction (under 1000 words) story accepted at Midnight Screaming, a lit mag based out of Tennessee.  I should be getting that journal in the mail any day.  VERY excited!

    I've joined a writing group.  We write genre.  I've finally started a novel that's been in my head for almost 10 years now--"Borrowed Time."  It's modern supernatural/fantasy.  Things are looking good!

  • Pants on the Ground....

    That dude on AI was hilarious...

    I hope to have some pants on the ground soon from being too thin to keep my current pants on.  Almost a week and I'm kicking butt!

    I feel like I'm eating the same stuff, though, over and over again.  Usually this isn't a problem, but I kind of want to spice things up a bit.

    Oh, P.S. I'm on firefox, why does it tell me that "isn't" is misspelled, but it lets me get away with lower case i when I make a type?  Lame. 

  • Pincushion

    I've had a fever for almost 6 months now.  I was sent to an infectious disease specialist today.  They took so much blood they had to use both my arms.  Hahah.  Near the end, I was getting all flushy and lightheaded. 

    Then I went to get 2 x-rays for lungs and jaw.

    Chances are, they'll find nothing.  The doctor wasn't too optimistic  that it was an infectious disease, but that they were simply eliminating a whole slew of issues so we could go to the next step on this.

    I'm tired of being poked and prodded.  This seems like a long long process.  Ugh. 

    Tired of feeling like poo!

  • Woman!

    Audiosnob, wtf?  Where are you?

    I miss you.  :(

    Hope all is well and you and Fremen-princess are doing ok.

    Thinking good thoughts to you.

    Come back soon!

  • Lame!

    Utility company fails!

    We paid our bill.  They sent us a nastygram (aka disconnection notice). 

    While on the phone, they found the payment I made.

    They went to make a notation, then took out another payment (TWICE) and now my account is overdrawn. 

    This is not cool!