January 23, 2010

  • Enough!

    Going on two weeks now and I've had this stupid chest cold.  So so SO TIRED OF IT.

    I'm on "the other side" of it, but I feel like I'm still trying to recover and I can't return to my normal life.  I also can't be as active as I want.  Bleh, I say!

    Ahh well. 

    Other than that, school is going ok.  I'm trying to get out of my Intro to Poetry class because the teacher is a fuggin' moron and a half.  Ugh.  Ugh.  Ugh.  And, I've also learned this material in my "how to teach creative writing" class.  Chances are, I still have to take it.  It's God awful.  She spent 15 minutes on the first day using a football analogy and how she never watches football because she doesn't understand the game rules, but we're all supposed to learn the "rules of poetry" and then read poems.


Comments (1)

  • I hope you get over your chest cold. I know how uncomfortable you must be feeling right now.

    A class on the rules of poetry? I think that class would bore me to tears.

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